Thursday 17 December 2015

Yum! It's time for a special breakfast! Or perhaps you want to surprise a special someone. What could be easier, yummier, and more fun than pancakes? It is also a great way to introduce children to cooking. Once you know how to make a basic pancake, you can easily customize it by adding more ingredients.

1 ½ cups (210 grams) all-purpose flour
2 tablespoons sugar
2 teaspoons baking powder
½ teaspoon baking soda
½ teaspoon salt
1 ¼ to 1 ½ cups (281.25 to 337.50 milliliters) milk
2 tablespoons of cooking oil or melted butter
2 eggs

Makes: 8 pancakes


I love a good marble cake.  How about you?  There's just something so appealing and festive about the beautifully marbled swirl that appears when you cut off a slice. The flavor is not too rich but still satisfying, and I really appreciate how it diplomatically resolves the whole chocolate vs vanilla debate.  Read on for a recipe and details on our favorite swirl-making technique.
Growing up, my brother's favorite choice for his birthday cake was boxed marble cake, and truth be told, he still requests the boxed version from my mom today, which she makes as a sheet cake.  But I prefer this loaf version, which doesn't taste of chemicals like the boxed version and offers a simple, elegant profile.  The ganache frosting is optional but a nice touch and helps to keep things moist.
The swirl process is where many people fail with a marble cake, either under-swirling it so it looks more, well, bovine than marbled, or over-swirling it so that it just looks muddy.  One of the fun parts of making a marble cake is the anticipation before cutting your first slice.  Will your artistic efforts pay off?  Here are a few hints on how to make the best swirl:
  1. Start with a checkerboard.  Alternate the light and dark batters to create a rough checkerboard all along the bottom of the pan.  Repeat with a second layer, being sure to place the dark batter on top of the first layer's light and vice-versa.  
  2. Forget the knife.  I find that the blade of a knife or spatula is too thin, resulting in thin, wispy swirls and lots of clunky, unswirled batter.  So I use a thicker, more substantial tool like the end of a wooden spoon.
  3. Big swirls.  Moving across the pan in horizontal direction, plunge the end of the wooden spoon into the batter and make big swirls, moving across the pan in one direction.  It should take about three big swirls to make it across the pan. Then, moving back over the swirls, make three swirls in the opposite direction. Be sure you are reaching all the way to the bottom of the pan (without scraping it) and pay attention to corners!
  4. "Z"-shaped swirl.  Then drag your tool in a large 'Z' by moving down the length of the pan and back and back again.  You can also do a zig zag or another round of swirls if you feel you need even more swirl.  But be careful not to work it too much, or you'll end up a muddy, overly-blended cake.

How To Make Marble Cake

Makes one 9 x 5 loaf

What You Need

1/2 cup unsalted butter, room temperature, plus more for the pan
1 cup sugar
1 3/4 cups flour
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
3 large eggs
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla
2/3 cup buttermilk
1/3 cup cocoa powder
For the ganache frosting:
2/3 cup of heavy cream
6 ounces dark chocolate, chopped
1 tablespoon corn syrup (optional)
9" x 5" loaf pan
Pastry brush or folded paper towel
Stand mixer or mixing bowl
Measuring cups and spoons
Three small bowls
Wooden spoon
Small sauce pan


  1. Prep.  Preheat the oven to 350°F.  Grease and flour the loaf pan. 
  2. Cream the butter and sugar. Using a stand mixer with a paddle attachment, beat the butter and sugar until light lemon-colored and fluffy, about 5 minutes.  
  3. Measure the flour and crack the eggs.  While the butter and sugar are creaming, measure out the flour, baking powder, and salt into a small bowl and whisk lightly to combine. Crack the eggs into a bowl and add the vanilla.
  4. Add the eggs.  Scrape down the sides of the bowl with a spatula.  Add the eggs, one at a time, beating well in between each addition and scraping the bowl as needed.
  5. Add the flour and buttermilk, alternating.  Add 1/3 of the flour to the batter and beat on low speed just until incorporated. Then add 1/2 of the buttermilk and beat.  Add another 1/3 of the flour, and beat, and then the last of the buttermilk and beat.  Finally, beat in the last 1/3 of the flour.
  6. Add the chocolate. Transfer roughly 1/2 of the batter to a separate bowl. In a small bowl or ramekin, mix the cocoa powder with 2 tablespoons of hot tap water until smooth. Add this chocolate mixture to the remaining batter.  Beat to incorporate.
  7. Spoon into the prepared pan, creating a two-layer checkerboard.Beginning with the vanilla mixture, place four spoonfuls of batter into the pan, spacing them far enough apart so that you can create a checkerboard when you add the chocolate batter.  Add the chocolate batter into the empty spaces to fill the bottom of the pan in a checkerboard pattern.  Repeat with the second layer, alternating the vanilla and chocolate batter. (See notes, above)
  8. Swirl.  Using the handle of a wooden spoon, swirl the batter to create a marbled effect. (See notes, above.)
  9. Bake the cake.  Place in the oven and bake for about 40 minutes, rotating the pan half way through.  The cake is done when it has browned slightly and a cake tester comes our clean when inserted into the middle.  Cool on a rack for 10 minutes and then unmold and let cool completely.  → At this point, the cake can can be wrapped in plastic and stored for a few days or frozen for several months.
  10. Make the ganache.  Bring the cream to a simmer in a small saucepan.  Remove from heat, and add chopped chocolate and corn syrup (if using).  Let sit until chocolate is melted and then stir gently to combine.  Let cool slightly until ganache has thickened to a pourable consistency.
  11. Frost.  Place the cake on a serving platter.  Pour the ganache over the cake and spread lightly as needed.  Allow it to drip down the sides here and there.

Recipe Notes

  • To save leftover, frosted cake, place the cake in the fridge to harden the ganache before wrapping and storing (or freezing).
  • The corn syrup is optional in the ganache, but it does help with the silky texture. You can purchase corn syrup that does not contain high-fructous corn syrup at places like Whole Foods and natural food stores.
  • If you don't have buttermilk, thin some plain yogurt with milk to buttermilk consistency.

 Zinnirah menerima hidayah Allah pada peringkat awal dakwah Rasulullah S.A.W iaitu semasa baginda S.A.W berdakwah secara sembunyi-sembunyi di kalangan rakan karib baginda.
           Dalam sejarah Islam, golongan yang pertama memeluk Islam inilah yang banyak menerima ujian daripada Allah Zinnirah adalah seorang gadis yang berasal dari Rome. Kehidupan keluarganya sangat miskin dan dalam keadaan serba kekurangan. Ketika berlaku satu peperangan besar di Rome, Zinnirah terpisah daripada keluarganya lalu menjadi tawanan perang. Sejak itu dia dijual sebagai hamba dan sering bertukar tangan. Sepanjang menjadi hamba abdi, Zinnirah dilayan dengan kasar dan adakalanya diperlakukan seperti binatang oleh tuannya.
           Suatu hari Zinnirah berkenalan dengan seorang hamba yang senasib dengannya. Perkenalan itu akhirnya membawa Nur Islam dalam diri Zinnirah kerana hamba itu menerangkan ajaran yang disampaikan oleh Rasulullah. Penerangan yang tulus itu membuka hati Zinnirah untuk memeluk Islam. Namun, dia terpaksa melakukan ibadat secara rahsia kerana tuannya memusuhi Islam. Nasibnya lebih malang apabila dia bertukar tangan kepada bangsawan Quraisy yang sangat berpengaruh masa itu, Umar Al-Khattab. Ketika itu, Umar belum memeluk Islam dan juga tidak mengetahui keIslaman Zinnirah. Umar yang sangat memusuhi Rasulullah terkenal dengan bengis dan kasarnya sehingga digeruni, baik lawan maupun kawan.
              Akhirnya, Umar mengetahui mengenai keIslaman Zinnirah apabila suatu hari dia mendengar gadis itu membaca al-Quran. Ini menimbulkan kemarahan Umar yang mahu menghukumnya dengan siksaan berat. “Tahukah kamu apa hukuman yang layak untukmu?” Tanya Umar keras dengan wajah bak singa sambil mengheret Zinnirah ke tengah padang pasir. Di situ, Umar mengikat kaki dan tangan Zinnirah dan menjemurnya di tengah panas terik. “Inilah caranya supaya kamu insaf,” katanya lalu meninggalkan Zinnirah di situ. Walaupun mukanya perit dipanah matahari dan kehausan, Zinnirah tabah menghadapi penderitaan itu sambil mulutnya tidak berhenti membisikkan Allah.. Allah…
               Apabila melihat hamba abdinya belum insaf, Umar menyeretnya ke pinggir kota dan mengikatnya di tiang. Dia menyuruh orang mengorek mata Zinnirah sehingga buta (ada juga sumber menceritakan dicucuk dengan besi panas). “Ini untukmu Ya Allah. Aku mengharungi kesengsaraan ini untuk mendapat kesenangan di akhirat kelak. Perjuangan ini sememangnya berat, selalu menderita dan sengsara kerana aku sedar untuk mendapat syurga aku terpaksa menagih ujian berat, sedangkan neraka itu dipagari oleh pelbagai kesenangan.” Inilah rintihan hati Zinnirah kepada Allah S.W.T ketika bermunajat kepada Allah di setiap malam sebagai penawar jiwa di atas segala kesusahan yang dia hadapi.
           Pengorbanan Zinnirah mendapat cercaan kaum musyrikin Mekah. Pelbagai cacian dilemparkan kepadanya. Mereka mengatakan Zinnirah buta kerana dilaknat oleh tuhan Latta dan Uzza. Mereka mencabarnya kerana Zinnirah mempertahankan diri dengan mengatakan dirinya buta bukan kerana tuhan mereka, sebaliknya ia adalah perbuatan Umar dan Allah mengizinkan ianya berlaku.
            Penderitaannya itu akhirnya sampai ke pengetahuan Abu Bakar as-Siddiq yang membeli Zinnirah dengan harga tinggi. Sejak itu, dia tekun beribadat dan dengan kurnia Allah, kedua-dua matanya yang buta itu bercahaya semula. Peristiwa yang mengagumkan ini menyebabkan ramai orang Quraisy memeluk Islam.
On the 26th Jun 2015 which is on Friday, we are assigned to visit Nursery Decor Unit Department as the weekly practical work in Agriculture subject. The Nursery Decor Department is about 10 minutes walking distance from Bukit Ekspo.
A nursery is a factory to supply plants, in this case, for a bio-engineering program. A good nursery will supply:
· enough plants of the right species,
· in good, healthy condition,
· in the form required for planting;
· at the right time; and,
· at a reasonable cost.

The word horticulture is modeled after agriculture, and comes from Latin wordhortus garden” and cultura “cultivation” from cultus. Horticulture includes plant conservation, landscape restoration, landscape and garden design, construction, and maintenance, and arboriculture.
  1. Arboriculture - The study of the selection, plant, care, and removal of, individual trees, shrubs, vines, and other perennial woody plants.
  2. Turf management - Includes all aspects of the production and maintenance of turf grass for sports, leisure use or facility use.
  3. Floriculture - Includes the production and marketing of floral crops.
  4. Landscape horticulture - Includes the production, marketing and maintenance of landscape plants.
  5. Olericulture - Includes the production and marketing of vegetables.
  6. Pomoculture - Includes the production and marketing of pome fruits.
  7. Post-harvest - Involves maintaining the quality of and preventing the spoilage of plants and animals.

Firstly, we were given a talk about the general information of nursery decor in agriculture by Cik Wan Suhana Wan Talib. She explained further about the main components in nursery decor. We become more understand after she gave some examples to us. She also told us how to recognized the ornamental plants. Moreover, she also showed us how to prepare the medium soil mix. Then, we are asked to plant the ornamental plants to decorate mosque for Iftar Ceremony with Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah Al-Haj.

These are the information that we got from the visiting at nursery decor :
The main components of a plants nursery
1.    Shade house - exposes the plant about 70% under the sunlight and 50% of shelter.
2.    Insect-proof house – Use netting to prevent the entering of insect.
3.    Box plots and open spaces – Planted in a row with 100% exposure of sunlight.
4.    A soil mix + workspace – For gardening or decorating

The Difference Characteristic of Ornamental Plants

Ornamental Plants
1.    Shrubs
1.    At matured age, the height is more than 13 feet
2.    Multiple Stem
2.    One erect permenencial stem
3.    Diameter of stem is small
3.    Diameter of stem is 3 inches.

June  5, 2015
On  the  5TH June  2015, we  have  visited  the  oil  palm  farm. We  were  introduced  to  Mr. Zainal  Abidin  Bin  Abd   Wahab, as  he  was  the  one  who  responsible  to  guide  us  during  the  day. He  had  gave  us  some  briefing  about  the  farm  and  the  oil  palm  itself. We  were  told  that  oil  palm  have  a  life  expectancy  about  forty-five  years  and  it  is  very  popular  among  farmers  due  to  its  rapid  growth  rate. In  fact, it  takes  only  two  and  a  half  year  till  it  can  produce  yields.
Here, in  Farm  1  of  UPM  near  the  stadium, they  planted  oil  palm  species  called  Tenera. This  type  of  species  produced  in  crop-breeding  process  between  Dura  and  Pisifera  that  were  called  the  parents  of  Tenera. This  farm  area  are  about  twelve  hectares  all-around  and  eight  of  it  were  used  in  industrial  planting. The  used  in  pesticides  were  based  on  the  condition, that  was  the  surrounding  and  the  farmer. Fertilizer  was  given  to  the  crop  three  or  four  times  a  year. However, this  crop  has  high  risk  infected  by  a  dangerous  disease  called  Ganodema  that  will  cause  a  huge  lost  to  the  farmer  this  kind  of  disease  cannot  be  detected  while  in  early  stage so  as  we  knew  the  tree  has  Ganodema  then  we  knew  that  the  tree  will die  and  the  rest  of  them  might  also  have  the  same  disease. This  disease  cannot  be  cured, and  the  farmers  have  to  stop  replanting  at  least  for  a  year  in  the  same  place  or  else  the  new  plants  will  also  face  the  same  problem. In  this  farm, farmer  used  used  triangular  system  in  crop  planting  to  maximize  the  competition  between  the  plants  with  8x8x8  space. 

                                                        gambar hiasaan.
Sample  of  palm  oil  tree  to  be  grown.

For  our  activity  for  the  day  was  that  we  were  asked  to  plant  an  oil  palm  tree  for  each  group. First, need  to  verify  the  right  position  before  we  started  to  dig. Then, dig  a  hole  until  it  form  a  cube  shape  with  1x1x1  feet  measured. Next step, we  take  out  the  tree  from  its  polybag  and  the  tree  was  put  into  the  hole  into  the  hole. Before  we  start  to  cover  the  hole  back  with  those  left  soil, put  some  fertilizer  in  there. Finally, the  oil  palm  tree  was  watered  sufficiently. From  our  activity, we  gained  a  new  knowledge  about  the  oil  palm  trees  and  how  to  plant  one.  

Monday 9 November 2015


        Aku mengamati semua sahabat dan tidak menemukan sahabat yang lebih baik daripada menjaga lidah.
       Aku memikirkan pakaian  tetapi tidak menemukan pakaian yang lebih baik daripada taqwa.
      Aku merenungkan tentang segala amal baik, namun tidak mendapatkan yang lebih baik daripada memberi nasihat yang baik. 
     Aku mencari segala bentuk rezeki, tetapi tidak menemukan rezeki yang lebih baik daripada sabar.  
(Khalifah 'Umar)

#jadikan pedoman, jadikan sandaran.

|| Assalamualaikum ||
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Start greeting muslim people around you with will make your life more perfect....may Allah blessing you,,

 Abu Hurayrah said “When one of you joins a gathering, let him say salaam. When he wants to get up and leave, let him say salaam. The former is not more important than the latter.” (Hasan hadith reported in Jāmi` al-Tirmidhi)

Dengan Nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Mengasihani